THE CRES Amateur Radio Club

Home of the W8ZPF 146.67 Repeater in Columbus, Ohio


The CRES amateur radio club was established in 1962 by hams working at the Western Electric manufacturing facility on East Broad St in Columbus. Today it serves the greater central Ohio ham community. Its goals include stimulating interest in amateur radio, the exchange of technical information, emergency readiness, and social activities for the membership and their families. As a club we sponsor the W8ZPF repeater, host a Volunteer Examiner team, participate in ham-related events such as Field Day, and conduct bi-monthly meetings which consist of a short business meeting followed by a topical presentation of interest to clubmembers. Visitors (licensed or not) are always welcome, as are new club members. More…

Next Meeting Date and Location – NEW!!!

February Meeting

February 20, 2025 at the Whitehall Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library located at 4445 E. Broad St Columbus, OH 43213. Meeting Rooms 4 & 5.

April Meeting

April 17, 2025 at the Whitehall Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library located at 4445 E. Broad St Columbus, OH 43213. Meeting room 1.

Feel free to come by any time after 630 PM to enjoy some face-to-face time with club members. BYO Dinner. Meeting starts at 6:45PM

Next Meeting Presentation


Upcoming Meeting Presentations

We’re always looking for folks to present to a very welcoming CRES crowd at our bi-monthly meetings! You don’t have to be a ham, and you don’t have to even be a member of the club. You don’t even need to know how to make a PowerPoint presentation; there are plenty of club members available to help

Upcoming Meetings are usually the third Thursday of the months and are subject to change dates, locations:

Next Testing Session

Our next VE test session will be held on March 15, 2025 at 9:00 AM at Westerville Public Library meeting room D

126 S State St Westerville, OH 43081

Preregistration is preferred.

Preregistration is Closed. Walkins will be accepted as time permits.

Are you ready to get your license? Or maybe upgrade? Register and come on out for our next VE testing session!