Non-Ham Form

CRES VE Team Pre-registration Form
(for those who are currently unlicensed)

Please use this form to pre-register for the next CRES Amateur Radio Club VE Exam session if you are not a licensed Amateur. The data you enter here will be imported into our test session program and used to produce your FCC application form. The Laurel VEC, with whom we are affiliated, also uses the data to electronically generate and send your application and results to the FCC, making it possible for the FCC to typically issue your new license or upgrade the next business day. Please be careful not to make any mistakes as the information you provide here will eventually be incorporated into the FCC’s official database and appear on your license.

YOU MUST HAVE A VALID FRN BEFORE WE CAN ADMINISTER YOUR EXAMS. If you already have an FCC license (e.g., GMRS) your FRN can be found on that license. If you have an Amateur callsign, click the “back” button on your browser and select the “already licensed” form. Otherwise, click on “I need an FRN” and follow the instructions given there to obtain an FRN. *

  I need an FRN

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