Information and Rules for 2025
Updated 8-Feb-2025
The Annual CQ-WE (Western Electric) Contest is open to all Radio Amateurs. The objective is to contact, via ham radio, as many Radio Amateurs as possible who currently work for, did work for, or are retired from, any part of the pre-divestiture “Bell System”, or any company that was created from the separated parts of what was once the “Bell System”. This includes AT&T, Bell Labs, Western Electric, Local Phone Companies, and many other companies that are/were part of the “Bell System”. Contract employees of these companies are considered to be working for the Bell System for purposes of this contest.
Please note: The rules are subject to review and change by the
Contest Committee until October 1st.
The contest shall be held the second full weekend in November, from 1900Z Saturday through 0500Z Monday. See the Contest Schedule section below for more detailed information about the various contest times. - THE CONTEST BANDS
Only contacts within the following bands will count for contest credit:
160m, 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, 6m, 2m, 70cm. - THE EXCHANGE
A contest exchange must include the following information:- Call sign, First Name, Location Code and Years of Service:
- Bell System Participants: Visit our Location Code page and use the instructions given there to determine your Location Code. Non-Bell Participants: Use Location Code ‘ZZ’.Bell System Participants: Use your Years of Service, the number of years you have been employed, or were employed, within the Bell System. Alternatively, if you desire, you may opt to use the formula for non-Bell participants, described below.Non-Bell Participants: Use the number of CQ-WE contests you have participated in, counting those past contests for which you submitted a log, plus the current contest. (For non-Bell participants in 2023, this number will fall between 1 and 17.)
- Call sign, First Name, Location Code and Years of Service:
- Each entry submitted must be for an individual operator, using one transmitter at a time.
- Bell System Participants may contact anyone.
- Non-Bell System Participants may only contact Bell System Participants.
- A station may be worked in any and/or all of three categories (CW, PHONE, DIGITAL) for credit.
- The PHONE category applies to all voice contacts (SSB, FM, AM, D-STAR voice*, etc.).
- The CW category applies to all contacts made via Morse code.
- The DIGITAL category includes non-verbal and non-CW contacts made using a form of digital modulation (for example: RTTY, AMTOR, PSK, and D-STAR data*).
- Each station may be worked once per band and category for contest credit.
- Each of the three categories (CW, PHONE, DIGITAL) is scored separately.
- The number of points for each contact is the “Years of Service” number received in the exchange.
- To create an additional incentive for working a large number of locations, a Location Multiplieris used. This multiplier is the number of distinct Location Codes contacted in a given catagory.
- One’s score for each category is determined by multiplying the sum of the points (i.e., the Years of Service associated with each contact made in that category) by the Location Multiplier for that category.
- To encourage log submissions that lend themselves to computer validation, if one’s contest logs are submitted in the format produced by the current year’s CQ-WE contest logger, and in a form that may be read and processed electronically, 100 incentive points will be added to the CW score of those making at least five CW contacts, and 100 incentive points will be added to the PHONE score of those making at least five PHONE contacts. No incentive points will accrue for DIGITAL scores.
- One’s Total Score is the sum of the three category scores.
- All logs must be kept in UTC (Zulu) time.
- You may not change your contest information (Name, Location Code, Years of Service) during the contest.
- Only Published Location Codes may be used in the contest.
- Simplex operation only. Contacts made through repeaters, digipeaters, or gateways are not permitted.
- Cross-band contacts are not permitted.
- Soliciting contacts by non-Amateur Radio means (for example, Internet, telephone, text message, etc) during the contest is not permitted.
- Working the same station consecutively on the same band in different categories is not allowed.
- AWARDS Awards will be issued for the following categories:
- Works Location High Top-5 Combined Score ¹
- Works Location High Participation ¹
- Individual High Total Score
- Individual High CW Score
- Individual High Phone Score
- Individual High Digital Score
- Individual High QRP Score ²
- Individual High Active Bell System Employee or Retiree Score ³
- Individual Non-Bell System Participant High Total Score (And maybe a few others for ‘Special Effort’)
¹ Only location codes representing actual physical facilities are eligible for this award.
² QRP status may be claimed by those operating the entire contest using a PEP power output of no more than 5 watts in the CW and DIGITAL categories, and no more than 10 watts in the PHONE category.
³ Whichever category serves to complement the “High Total Score” winner, from those self-designating themselves as such on the submitted forms.
If a yearly contest host is secured – A Certificate of Participation will be awarded to every entrant who submits a properly completed entry form and who has made at least five valid contacts. - REPORTING
- Send your completed logs to the National Coordinator as soon as possible after the contest. Your submission must be postmarked, delivered, or date stamped, no later than Dec 1st of the contest year to be valid. Electronic entries are assumed to be signed when submitted. Hand delivered logs are permitted, but if not on paper, they must be received on a medium the National Coordinator deems acceptable.
Logs may be submitted in one the following ways, in decreasing order of preference:
Submissions from the N4HAI or N1MM loggers:- Using the N4HAI or N1MM+ logger and emailing logs is the preferred way of submitting your contest logs. N4HAI logger users email us the .XML log file it generates – already named properly when generated.N1MM+ logger users email us the Cabrillo log file it generates and name it including your call similar to this example: CQWE-2023-W2XXX.logRefer to the instructions provided with the logger program to produce this file. It is the only thing you need to send us to certify your score. Please do not hand edit the file or change its name. If you find a mistake, use the logger software to make the necessary corrections and then generate a new file. The file should be emailed or otherwise electronically delivered to the National Coordinator. The file must be emailed as an Attachment. Use the body of the message for any personal comments. Code the contest name and year, your callsign, and your exchange, in the Subject line of the email. Example: CQ-WE 2023 – W2EQ – Tom MT 17 You can earn incentive points by using this methodology. If you qualify, these points will be added to your score automatically.
- Handwritten or printed logs containing all the required contest information are acceptable for a CQ-WE contest submission of 20 contacts or less.
- Entrants must log: UTC Date and Time, Call Sign, Freq/band, Mode, Name, Location code and Years of Service for each contact.
- Just submit a log of your contacts – no location code counting or scoring is required.
- These logs cab be post office mailed or emailed as either (1) standard ASCII text files, or (2) a PDF file.
- FORMS Official CQWE logging forms are no longer available.
Saturday, Nov 8 1900-2300Z CW, DIGITAL
Sunday, Nov 9 0100-0500Z PHONE
Sunday, Nov 9 1900-2300Z PHONE
Monday, Nov 10 0100-0500Z CW, DIGITAL
REMINDER: Sunday and Monday 0100-0500Z is really Saturday and Sunday evening in the USA! - SUGGESTED DIGITAL SCHEDULE
(These times are merely suggestions designed to enhance efficiency. Digital contacts may be made at any time during the CW/DIGITAL portion of the contest. For HF digital, note that the suggested digital frequencies have been located adjacent to the upper edge of the suggested CW frequencies, so that they may be easily checked for activity throughout the contest.)
Saturday, Nov 8
10M 2000Z
6M 2030Z
15M 2100Z
2M 2130Z
20M 2200Z
Monday, Nov 10
40M 0200Z
80M 0230Z
70cm 0300Z
160 1810-1820 1820-1825 1850-1860
80 3540-3560 3560-3565 3825-3925
40 7025-7040 7040-7045 7178-7240
20 14040-14060 14060-14065 14250-14300
15 21040-21060 21060-21065 21360-21400
10 28040-28060 28060-28065 28450-28480
6 50.0-50.1 50.4 50.1-50.3
2 144.08-144.1 145.6 144.220 (SSB)
145.67 (D-STAR) 146.550 (FM)
146.60 (D-STAR) 145.750 (FM)
146.580 (FM)
147.540 (FM)
70 cm 432.1 432.60 446.000 (FM)
446.00 (D-STAR) 432.500 (SSB)
446.00 (D-STAR)