CQ Western Electric Contest
November 8 & 9th 2025

CQ-WE stands for CQ – Western Electric, the company whose ham employees originated the contest. The annual CQ-WE Contest is open to all Radio Amateurs. The objective is to contact as many Bell System Radio Amateurs as possible via ham radio. A Bell System amateur is any ham who is a current or former employee of any part of the pre-divestiture Bell System — that is, any company that was spun off from or shares a part of its heritage with the original AT&T Corporation. Examples include the current-day AT&T, Bell Labs, Western Electric, the Baby Bells, Bellcore, NCR, Alcatel-Lucent, Avaya, Agere, as well as other companies that have sprung from them. Normally held the second full weekend in November, the contest combines a spirit of competitive contesting with the chance to relax, have fun, and renew acquaintances with old friends and colleagues while fostering friendships with new ones.
FINALLY, the 2024 results are in and the winner is once again Tom Warren, K3TW. Coming in second place is Henry “Jack” Fisher, IV, KC4I. Tom Warren, K3TW also took High Phone and High CW. Rounding out the top 5 are Ken Mitchell, KD2KW, Tom Nevue, W2MN and John Drum, W4BXI. Middletown (MT) and Holmdel (HO) took the prize for Most Participants and High Top-5 Score respectively. Rounding it out, High Active Employee goes to Tom Brown, W2EQ and High non-Bell Score to Tom Nevue, W2MN. The full results are shown here.
Contest Host
CONTEST HOST: The role of Contest Host is an important one, and we appreciate the time and effort the various locations have put into designing and distributing their certificates in years past. Want to highlight your location? Then please consider volunteering to design and produce the certs for our 62nd contest year coming up. It’s really not that hard, your name will be recorded for posterity on the website, and we’ll even handle the distribution. So give it some thought; we’d love to hear from you.
National Coordinator
Tom Brown – W2EQ
37 Hopkins Road
New Egypt, NJ 08533
CQ-WE Contest Committee
Tom Brown – W2EQ (MT)
Shel Darack – WA2UBK (MH)
Bob Rosier – K4OCE (GC)
Rob Stampfli – KD8WK (CB)
Former National Coordinators
Tom Brown – W2EQ (2016-2021)
Vacant – (2015)
Tom Brown – W2EQ (2011-2014)
Rob Stampfli – KD8WK (2007-2010)
Carl Yaffey – K8NU (2004-2006)
Tom Quay – KT3TT (2001-2003)
Paul Cirillo – KC2YO (19??-2000)